Co-Imagine Kids Therapy

Connection, Community, Coordination, Collaboration, Confidence 

Helping children of all abilities feel safe, supported, and accepted in their communities while working towards therapeutic goals.

We’re Bridging the Gap Between the Occupational Therapy (OT) Clinic and Your Community to Help Your Child Soar.

Your child is wonderful — there’s no doubt. You also know they need a bit more support and guidance than other children. It’s hard to see them struggle, and you’re unsure what to do to make daily life and interactions easier for them. It may be social expectations, friendships, and interactions on the playground. Or they want to join games and sports but they don’t have the coordination and strength, which makes them hesitant to keep trying. Maybe the exact challenge isn’t clear, but you know in your soul there’s something blocking your incredible child from achieving their full potential.


Co-Imagine Kids Therapy can identify the challenges your child is facing.

We help them develop skills and tools to take on these challenges through community and nature-based occupational therapy. We harness the power of nature, play, compassion, and a growth mindset to set your child up for success. We are so grateful to do this work!

Your child will feel safer, stronger, more connected, and more confident with the skills and abilities they gain during occupational therapy.

You get peace of mind as well knowing they are equipped to handle the demands of childhood. They gain skills and experience navigating Central Oregon and the great outdoors surrounding us.


Co-Imagine Kids Therapy Meets Your Child Right Where They Are

We look at the whole picture when meeting and evaluating your child. This includes your child’s skills and abilities, the environments they live and play in, and the support your child has socially and emotionally. We know you have done so much already to help your child succeed — a full evaluation helps us see how all the pieces work together and determine how we can help. We use all the information gathered to create a custom plan with your child’s goals and interests in mind. 

Get Started With Co-Imagine Kids Therapy

Step 1: contact us

Together, we discuss if Co-Imagine Kids Therapy is the right next step for you and your family. We want what’s best for your child, so if we’re not the best solution, we will point you in the right direction.

Step 2: Book an OT Evaluation

An OT comes to your home for the first visit and gets to know your amazing child. We paint a full picture of strengths, weaknesses, and areas where we can support you!

Step 3: Let’s Play!

Based on the assessment, we will create a plan and schedule OT sessions. Based on your goals, we will decide together where the OT visits will occur .

We provide occupational therapy in your home, the community, and in the beautiful outdoor spaces in and around Central Oregon. Nature is one of the best therapeutic tools — we’ll help you learn how to leverage it for your child.

We believe occupational therapy should be fun, functional and family-oriented. All sessions support your child’s social, emotional, and physical growth. We also empower you too — the parent of this incredible human!

Why Community and Nature-Based Occupational Therapy in Central oregon?

Central Oregon is filled with beautiful, engaging communities. 

In clinic-based therapy, children gain skills with a well-matched OT but often still struggle to apply everything they've learned to the world outside the clinic.

Co-Imagine Kids Therapy bridges the gap between traditional, clinic-based occupational therapy services and the community your child lives and plays in.

  • We use natural environments your child has access to during therapy so you can duplicate the experiences outside of scheduled OT sessions with ease. No more confusion or stress.

  • OT in nature increases your child’s confidence so they can safely have fun and build their strength and coordination anywhere they go.

  • Meeting staff and building relationships with community members helps your child feel welcome and understood when they visit the fun places in the community.

We help your child respect their own needs while visiting different community settings. This helps your child enjoy the community with less overwhelm as we all work toward a world that’s more accepting of children’s diverse sensory needs.

Collaboration, connection, community, cooperation, and working together for a common good.

We use imagination and creativity to make learning fun. Our unique style of therapy meets your child right where they are and provides tools and skills they can use for a lifetime.

What do you imagine for the future of Central Oregon Communities?