Community-Based Occupational Therapy in Central Oregon

At Co-Imagine Kids Therapy, we use creativity, imagination, and nature to help your child reach their full potential.

Meet Erin Brandenburg,

founder and occupational therapist

Nice to meet you!  I’ve been an Occupational Therapist since 2012 and I’ve spent over 8 years working in a pediatric clinic before starting Co-Imagine Kids Therapy. I thoroughly enjoyed working with families in the clinic, but deep down I wanted to do more to help these kids. The boundaries of the clinic felt limiting to the bigger dreams and goals I had for each child that arrived in my treatment room. Not many children can easily apply what they learn in OT to a variety of situations. I wanted to see how they were applying their skills when challenges came up outside the clinic walls. I’m passionate about working with your child in their natural environments. I know the support they get now will help them thrive. Together, let’s bridge the gap between the clinic and your child’s world, giving them tools for long-term success.

I have training in:

  • Rhythmic Movement Training

  • Reflex Integration Techniques

  • Sensory Processing

  • Self-awareness, self-regulation, and empowerment

  • Executive Function Skill-Building

  • Social Thinking

  • Vestibular and Visual Motor Difficulties

Special interests:

  • Rock-climbing

  • Nature, hiking, bushcraft skills

  • Dancing- especially Cuban salsa!

  • Riding motorcycles

  • Personal development

There’s a gap between the standard clinic-based services and the real world your child lives in. 

Our goal is to create a bridge so you and your child don’t have to make the leap alone.

When you thought about your child growing up…

Did you imagine playdates, birthday parties, sports, and letting them run free on the playground, meeting new friends? Absolutely. You, like most parents, probably never imagined that your child might struggle during any of these seemingly simple moments. Childhood is full of challenges and opportunities. Not every child is naturally equipped to face these challenges without support. And that is ok — it takes a village to raise children, and we’re here to be part of your support here in Central Oregon. Now imagine feeling confident and relaxed as your child joins activities with their friends and thrives in the community. Imagine your child building relationships, gaining coordination, and leaving many of their frustrations behind. 

prioritizing the caregiver-child relationship.

I believe your relationship with your child is extremely important in their growth and success. I always strive to include parents or caregivers in therapy sessions. Tending to your own growth and wellness is just as important as helping your child. Providing treatment in a child’s home and the community continues to reinforce the importance of you — the caregiver! My priorities are to set realistic, achievable goals and promote positive achievements during the therapy process. Therapy is a bit like crossing a stream — first, you decide where you’re headed, then you find your balance, choose the best rocks, and slowly take one step at a time to reach the other side.  When you work with us at Co-Imagine Kids Therapy, your child will be accepted, empowered, challenged, and supported — and so will you. 

“Don’t tell your kids about the world, show them.”

– Penny Whitehouse

Is Co-Imagine Kids Therapy Right For Your Child?

You have a lot on your plate as a parent. You’ve likely tried several services or products to help your child. However, your intuition may tell you that something just hasn’t “clicked” with your child and you don’t know what else to do. We honor all you’ve done to help and support your child. Contact us if you want help deciding if community-based Occupational Therapy is the right “next step” for your child’s needs.

Co-Imagine Stands for:

Collaboration, connection, community, cooperation, and working together for a common good. We use our imagination and creativity to activate the senses and make learning fun by integrating therapeutic goals into a child’s preferred play activities. We have learned to describe this type of interaction as the “vanilla chocolate swirl.” This helps kids to play their way towards a greater level of confidence and more coordinated bodies.