Creating More Confident, Coordinated, Connected Kids With Community and Nature-Based OT

Co-Imagine Kids Therapy builds necessary skills through supported play and exploration in places your child loves to be.

Are You Concerned About Your Child?

We understand it’s distressing to watch your child struggle with things other kids seem to do so easily. 

Balance, coordination, attention, peer relationships, academics, frustration tolerance, regulating their energy, and so much more… 

Being a kid is challenging — Co-Imagine Kids Therapy can help.

How to Start With Co-Imagine Kids Therapy

  • Contact Us

    Together, we’ll discuss your child’s needs and make sure Co-Imagine Kids Therapy is the right choice for you! We often have a waitlist, so contact us today and we will see you as soon as we can.

  • The Paperwork

    Fill out an intake form before our first appointment. Call your doctor for a referral to occupational therapy. (Any Primary Care Physician can provide a referral, even your Naturopath or Physician Assistant).

  • Initial Evaluation

    Schedule your child’s in-home evaluation with us. This is a snapshot of your child’s strengths and needs. The evaluation helps us know where to start, but we’re continuously adjusting as we work with your child. We evaluate with compassion and understanding — let's start right where you are at.

the next steps:

  1. We explain our findings and results in relatable terms (we don’t expect you to speak occupational therapy textbook language!)

  2. Our explanation includes a celebration of strengths and social/environmental supports because you’ve invested a lot into supporting your child, and it should be acknowledged.

  3. Based on the assessment findings, we schedule follow-up visits at your home, in nature, or at a community facility so we can provide the experiences and challenges that will help your child build new skills and successfully live, play, and explore the community.

  4. Our occupational therapy sessions continue to progress and provide new challenges and learning experiences for you and your child.

  5. We also give you recommendations and ideas for activities to do between sessions that will support your child’s healthy development and accelerate their progress. 

  6. This is a mutual partnership and individualized for each child. We don’t sell packages or have you commit to a specific number of visits — it’s truly all about what’s best for your child.

We absolutely love what we do and we can’t wait to meet your amazing child!

What Makes Co-Imagine Kids Therapy Different? 

We provide occupational therapy services in your home, in nature, and in the community where your child loves to play. We are stepping out of the OT clinic and providing therapeutic experiences in familiar spaces, which facilitates growth. We help your child become the best version of themselves by providing individualized training, tools, support, and education. We’re not here to change your child or push them to be someone else. They have strengths and immense value just as they are. We’re here to draw out all their strengths and help them understand and manage areas where they’re not as strong. 

Your child gains confidence, skills, and connections as we play and explore in the community.

We provide carefully chosen experiences that will challenge your child without overwhelming them, helping them see how truly wonderful and capable they are. 

Your child also knows we’re right by their side to help them navigate any difficult situations. Mistakes and problem-solving are part of the process — it’s what helps your child build the confidence and resilience they need for life. 

At Co-Imagine Kids Therapy, We Specialize In:

  • ADHD

  • Autism

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Learning Differences

  • Coordination Difficulties

  • Developmental Delays

  • Neurological Impairments and Genetic Disorders

  • Kids without a formal diagnosis who just have to work harder than their peers for childhood tasks.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Occupational Therapy at Co-Imagine Kids Therapy

  • “Erin has been incredible. She helped our son so much! She brought compassion and creativity to every session. My son has enjoyed his therapy, even when he was challenged to try new things, push his comfort zone, or learn a new skill. Erin created a space where he could safely try, struggle, learn, and succeed in a way that made him proud and empowered.”

  • “We all want our kids to be strong and confident, but some of our kids have more challenges to overcome than others. I’m grateful for Erin’s therapy as well as her guidance. I feel better equipped to support my son and help him continue to grow and thrive.”